Social Media Engagement Tips

Tried and Tested Social Media Engagement Tips for Small Business Owners


Business owners can be their own worst enemies. Despite having the solution to a problem or issue you’re facing, you might keep finding yourself buried under it instead of stepping back and looking at the bigger picture. If you’re like most business owners, you have a LOT on your plate. You’re trying to get your startup off the ground, meet revenue targets and manage daily operations. What could you possibly have time for? Social media marketing, right?

Engaging your audience on social media requires more than just posting links to your website. In fact, it’s not even beneficial to only post links on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn if you want to see real engagement and results from your social media efforts.

As a small business owner, you know the importance of social media and being able to effectively engage with your target audience. If you’ve ever sent out a Facebook post and not received any engagement or seen other small business page owners succeeding where you’re struggling, it can be quite frustrating.

Now we’ll walk you through some tips on what’s simply working when it comes to social media engagement - especially if you’re looking to build rapport with your audience. Here are 3 Simple and Proven Ways to Engage with Your Followers on Social Media.

1. Encourage Comments and Ask Questions

Encourage comments and replies by asking a question that can easily be answered by anyone. Ask about their experience or if they have a similar problem to what you are stating, or give them two options to choose from as a poll. Ask questions so that they’ll be encouraged to interact with your post!

2. Reply To Every Comment Posted

As simple as it may sound, replying to every comment ensures that you are responsive, and do care about what your audience has to say. Replying to their comments will encourage them to interact with you more, this is start of building your rapport with your community.

3. Reply to Every Direct Message

Some people are more private when it comes to interacting with online posts, so some may leave a message rather than a comment. Replying to their DMs will instantly give a warm connection between you and your follower. Take advantage of this by conversing with them as much as possible, you never know, that person could be one question away from purchasing from you, and when the time comes, you can easily send a purchase link for when they are ready to take the next step.

Let’s face it: no one wants to hear you sell. Even though being your own best salesperson is a necessary part of life, most people are against it subconsciously. The way to sell it to make it seem like you are NOT selling, crazy right? With the proper social media marketing strategy, by constantly engaging and nurturing your social community, your audience can turn into your customers, without them even noticing it!

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